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Our Staff


We are fortunate to have an experienced and well-qualified team at Holt Pre-school. We are proud of the high ratio of adults to children in our group. This means that we can give attention to the needs and development of each child.


Pre-School Leader – Karen Tripp

Karen has worked at Holt Pre-school for over 20 years. She takes a particular interest in the speech, language and communication of the children inspired by a training programme called “Every Child's a Talker”. Karen has a level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education.


Karen is currently responsible for preparing a stimulating and imaginative programme of activities for the children ensuring the Foundation Stage Curriculum is implemented.


Deputy Leader and SenCo Co-ordinator – Linda Gunning

Linda has worked at Pre-school for over 15 years and is our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SenCo). Linda has a Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education.


Pre-School Assistant – Katy Brown 

Katy is a qualified teacher and has lots of experience having worked within a child and family centre.   


Pre-School Assistant - Kirsty Ralphs

Kirsty has a Level 3 Diploma in Childcare and Education and extensive experience in working with children of all ages and abilities.  


Pre-School Assistant - Joanna Kirby

Jo is a qualified teacher and has taught for over 25 years within a range of settings including reception class. Jo has lots of experience supporting children, adults and families within the Special Educational Needs process and has worked as a Teacher of the Deaf.


Finance /Business Manager  - Kate Buckrell

Kate is a qualified accountant and has managed the finances of Holt Pre-school for over 12 years. She is happy to assist with any invoice or funding queries. 



Your child's key person

Each child is allocated a key person when they join Holt Pre-school.  We feel it is important that the staff know all the children so staff play and interact with all children in their care, not just those that are part of their key person group.

Learning Journey

Each child has a learning journey book to celebrate their experiences at Holt Pre-school. Although it is mainly kept at Holt Pre-school, it belongs to parents/carers and the child and will tell a story about a child – their learning, friends and the activities that they enjoy sharing with others. 


We value parents and carers taking the learning journey home and sharing in their child’s learning.

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